Books about Knight Family Members
The Rise of the Latter-Day Saints: The Journals and Histories of Newel Knight
Edited by Michael Hubbard MacKay and William G. Hartley. Copyright 2019. Published by the Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University and Deseret Book. Newel Knight was one of the few members of the church to write about some of the earliest events in Latter-day Saint history. Currently available at Deseret Book as an eBook and Hardcover.
Stand By My Servant Joseph: The story of the Joseph Knight Family and the Restoration
By William G. Hartley. Copyright 2003. Published by the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for LDS History and Deseret Book, 600 pages. A comprehensive and carefully written and documented history of Joseph Knight, Sr. and his family and their participation in the early events in the founding of the LDS Church.Look online. Often available on eBay and thrift book stores.
They Are My Friends: A History of the Joseph Knight Family 1825-1850
By William G. Hartley. Copyright 1986, Grandin Book Company, Provo, Utah, 225 pages. This book was the forerunner to "Stand By My Servant." Appendix A includes Joseph Knight, Sr.'s firsthand 11-page account, "Joseph Knight's Recollection of Early Church History." Appendix B includes Joseph Knight, Jr.'s five-page "Incidents of History." Often available online.
Jesse Knight, Vision to See and Courage to Do
Jesse Knight, Vision to See and Courage to Do, by Newel Boyd Knight, is filled with stories, photos, and unique illustrations. It was awarded the 2024 Clarence Dixon Taylor Award for scholarship related to central Utah by the Charles Redd Center at BYU. 269 pages, hardcover, color photos. Available from, or in the local Wasatch Front area from the author. 801-565-1467 or [email protected]
The Jesse Knight Family: Jesse Knight, His Forebears and Family
By J. William Knight. Copyright 1940, published by the Deseret News Press. Written by Jesse Knight's son, the book recounts Jesse's childhood, marriage, discovery of the Humbug Mine and his many business ventures, as well as a chapter about each of his children. Copies of this book can sometimes be found in rare and used bookstores, or online.
Lydia Knight's History: The First Book of the Noble Women's Lives Series
By "Homespun," a pen name for Susa Young Gates. Published 1883 by the Juvenile Instructor's Office in Salt Lake City. Gates wrote this biography after interviewing Lydia in the last years of her life, and it covers her childhood through her later years. This book can also be found as in paperback reprints, sometimes in rare book stores or online.
Scraps of Biography (Includes Newel Knight Journal)
Copyright 1883. Written and published by the Juvenile Instructor's Office. "Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day Saints." Over 50 pages, written from selected parts of Newel Knight's journal. Found in rare book stores, possibly online. An inexpensive Kindle version is on
Revelations in Context: The Stories behind the Sections in the Doctrine and Covenants
Edited by Matthew McBride and James Goldberg. Copyright 2016 by Intellectual Reserve. The fourth chapter gives information about the Knight and Whitmer families in reference to sections 12, 14, 15, and 16.

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